evalueaid door Eyevestor

ValueAid - the Aid to Valuate

We are building these tools to achieve our ultimate goal. To make it accessible and possible for everyone to do more with their own funds!

The most frequently asked question at eyevestor is how we can value my company? We don't value your business. You do. It is your bilateral relationship with your co-owner and investors. Value is ultimately based on the viewer's view in light of his / her view of your company's future potential and / or the value it brings into a broader context. So we have built ValueAid. So you can value what you work so hard for.

Real case sample report

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ValueAid is currently under development. Offline, we can provide the ValueAid valuation in full so that you can move forward.

Valueaid gave me clear direction and confirmation how to best capitalize our next funding round!

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A complete valuation report to substantiate your valuation qualitatify and quantitatively
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Access to all current and future functions of ParticipAid
per year per entity, incl. 10 participants
+ €10 per participant per year, above 10 participants
Create as many partipies as you want.
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